Lessons from Cats: Georgia

geogia 2

My mother always taught me to sort my laundry out before putting in the washer. A nice little pile of whites here, then the darks there, pockets all checked for loose change, but sometimes life doesn’t leave you time to sort, and today just so happened to be one of those days.

“Damn, I’m going to be late!”

Rushing around half dressed, with my hair wrapped up in a towel, I grab as big an armful of laundry from my room as I could. Tossing it into the washer, almost feeling my mother cringe, I quickly run back for a second load. Getting as many clothes into the wash as possible has always been my motto. I like to think I’m saving the planet one wash at a time. Anyway, tumbling back to the laundry room I stuff the rest of my garments into the washing machine and close it up.

So, washers turned on, clothes tumbling around, and I rush off to get ready. I do my hair, makeup, the whole shebang and then I hear someone meowing. Now I have four cats so you’d think meowing wouldn’t be strange, only my cats don’t meow very often. So I left the washroom where I’d been getting ready and started to check some rooms to see of one of the cats had been locked in. I discover Silk and Neemo, and I know Kaeda is outside so that left Georgia…

“Here kitty kitty!”

I hear another meow coming from the laundry room so I walk in and glance around. No sign of a cat at first so I check behind the washing machine since there’s a gap down there and I figure she might have fallen behind. Nothing, but I hear the meowing still and it’s so close it’s like it’s coming from the…” and then it hit me.


Horrified I pull open the washer door, soapy clothes and water spilling everywhere.


Digging through all the clothes I finally come across a very soaked kitty. It was straight out of Stewart little. Georgia took a few very wobbly steps before I wrapped her up in a blanket to keep her warm.

After a panicked call to my mum and a vet I spent the rest of the day watching over her. Now Georgia was always a special kitten. She was born with a crooked tail and I’d always thought she’d had a few screws loose, but I couldn’t believe she had climbed into the washer. Luckily, after a lot of lay down time and pampering from her guilt ridden owner she soon came around. She took it like a champ.

Now, needless to say, I always check the washing machine before I start it and have found Georgia back in there a few times since then, but I like to think my little kitten has taught me a valuable life lesson.

“When life throws you for a spin, just climb right back in,” -Georgia