Comedic Hassles: Snackables

Chips are a beautiful thing. The crunch, the taste, the smell as you open the bag. Give me a bag of chips over a cake any day. So you would think, with chips being so high on my most desirable snackables, that my parents would keep them well stocked. WRONG! Absolutely wrongo! That would in fact not be the case, for just this very evening, as I dragged my malnutritioned body into the kitchen, I was confronted with an empty snack cupboard. You heard me right, empty. And when I went to question my so emotionally attentive parents they had only one thing to say to me…

“The doctor told your mum that she can’t eat chips anymore so we didn’t buy any.”

“What? You mean to say that since one person in this family has been ruled off chips that the rest of us must be punished as well? Lunacy! I demand my rights! Child support! Child support! I’m being abused!”

Needless to say, my parents did not find it very amusing, and I was sent to the chamber of punishment, my room. Some kids think it’s so funny when parents send them to their rooms, but that’s because they have x-boxes and TVs and laptops, but not me. My room is a regular Amish paradise. Jokes on my parents though because I shall just start packing and getting ready to leave their miserable chipless house. That’s right! I’m moving out! Next stop UNIVERSITY! In just a couple more days I shall be the most fabtastic first year making my own rules and eating bags, and bags of chips in my very own apartment!

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